Mark 10:43-45, NIV: “…Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
I still remember growing up, my parents and I went to listen to Brother Andrew, the founder of “Open Doors” Ministries. He was well-known for smuggling Bibles into countries behind the Iron Curtain (Communist countries where the Gospel was not allowed to enter - for the benefit of our younger readers). Brother Andrew related how he openly put Bibles on the front seat of his car, literally under the glaring eyes of border crossing guards, and God blinded their eyes so they could not see it.
Later on, in 1967, Brother Andrew released his first book, “God’s Smuggler,” and as a 15-year old I devoured it. In my heart, I repeated over and over, “I will do anything for God! Yes, Lord! I will do anything for You!”
Let’s skip many years from then, until today. The year 2022. How did I do with my once-overflowing enthusiasm? Am I doing as well as I thought I would? Oh yes, I did maintain my faith in Jesus, so I can check that box! And yes, I am taking care of my husband with Parkinson’s Disease, full-time, I hope to tell you. It’s hard work too, because he has to be moved and assisted often with basic things, and he weighs considerably more than a baby. I can really say that I’m serving him. Check that box!
And then I look up into my Lord’s eyes, and I’m ashamed of myself. How many times am I complaining about the most minor of problems? About a wheelchair that is too heavy for me to lift into the car. About an ache or a pain that doesn’t even vaguely compare to the wounds in Jesus’ hands and feet. How many times does a task at hand wipe the smile right off my face, so that it becomes a blessing to no one, not even myself? How prolific are my excuses when there is a request at church, looking for volunteers? Am I really doing anything for God?
This is not about greatness, or accolades, of being first. This is about being Jesus to others, having compassion on them like he did. This is about following our King, doing as he did. Who knows, maybe our little door hangers on people’s doors will tell them, “I have not come to be served, but to serve.”
I’m still thinking about this one. Some lessons are not just learned in one day. You learn them as you live them. You learn them as you walk them out with Jesus.