church planting

Church planting is the most effective way to reach a city with the Gospel but it isn't easy. We need people, passion and knowledgeable partnership if we're going to have an effective impact. We have chosen to surround ourselves with those who have the expertise and who share the mission to make a difference with the Gospel. We are very thankful for their investment and partnership.



HCPN is a network strengthening church planters to multiply churches that reach every man, woman, and child in the greater Houston region. We are pleased to partner with them to plant Big House Church. Pastor Ty is participating in their one year residency program offered to select church planters in the Houston area.


The Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA) is our denominational partner. The U.S. Alliance is part of a Christ-centered global movement more than 6 million strong. "Our Acts 1:8 family—inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit—is passionate to bring the good news about Jesus to our neighborhoods and world." To find out more about the Global impact of the C&MA visit their website.


WoodsEdge church is on mission to: Love Jesus, Journey Together, Bring Hope. Their focus is on the Great Commandments and the Great Commission with a heart for Loving God, Loving each other and Loving the world. WoodsEdge church loves Houston and Big House is excited to partner with them to build a network of churches who plant churches all throughout the city of Houston and beyond.